Attention Is All You Need

Did you know the next best-selling author on Amazon might not be human? Language models like Transformers, BERT, GPT, and T5 are rapidly evolving, pushing the boundaries of what machines can do with language. In fact, these models can not only understand complex information but also generate creative text formats, blurring the lines between human and machine authorship. Today, we’ll dive into the fascinating world of these models, exploring their inner workings.

The Rise of Transformers

Before Transformers entered the scene, Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) were the early solution for handling sequences of data. However, RNNs posed two major challenges. Firstly, they struggled to remember information from the beginning of a sequence by the time they reached the end. Secondly, their sequential nature made it difficult to train them quickly using parallel processing.
To address these limitations, Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) were introduced. While LSTMs were more sophisticated and capable of retaining information, they take a lot of time to train. Then, in 2017, Transformers arrived, revolutionizing the field by abandoning the sequential approach and using a unique self-attention mechanism.

Understanding Transformers

The architecture of a transformer

Transformer models are a powerful type of deep learning model commonly used for various natural language processing (NLP) tasks like translation, text summarization, and question answering.

To understand how they work, imagine trying to understand a complex sentence. You don’t just read each word one by one, right? You think about how words connect, their meaning in context, and how they contribute to the whole idea. That’s exactly what Transformers do, but much faster and on a much larger scale.

The key to their efficiency lies in their unique approach. Instead of processing words individually, Transformers analyze the entire sentence at once. This is where self-attention comes in. This mechanism allows them to simultaneously focus on every word and its connections, highlighting the most relevant words in the sentence.

In summary, Transformers follow three key steps:

  • Encoding: Each word is transformed into a numerical representation, like a fingerprint, capturing its meaning.
  • Self-Attention: Every word attentively considers its relationship with all other words, enabling a comprehensive understanding of their connections.
  • Decoding: By considering these connections, Transformers build a deeper understanding of the whole sentence, not just individual words.

BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

Source: Jay Alammar

Building on the foundation of Transformers, BERT is a language model introduced by Google. What makes this model unique is its special way of looking at words. Unlike regular models that read words in just one direction, BERT looks at both the left and right sides of a word. This helps it understand sentences better, even when some parts are missing or not clear.

BERT’s effectiveness comes from its first step of learning on big datasets (pre-training). During this time, it dives deep into the details of language, getting a strong sense of how words are connected. After this learning phase, BERT can get even better at specific tasks by fine-tuning on smaller datasets. This makes BERT good at figuring out feelings in text or answering questions.

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)

Source: Jay Alammar

While BERT excels in comprehending text, GPT, another large language model developed in 2018 by OpenAI, takes a different approach: mastering the art of creating new text. This model achieves this by pre-training on massive and varied language data, using a unique decoder-only architecture that predicts the next word in a sequence based on the context it has already generated.

Key Differences Between BERT and GPT

Source: Jay Alammar

While both GPT and BERT are popular transformer-based models, they work differently when it comes to understanding language. Understanding these differences is important for picking the right one, whether you want to create new text or analyze existing information.


Thank you for joining me on this journey into the fascinating world of Transformers! These tools might seem complex, but understanding how they work opens up exciting possibilities. If you’re curious to delve deeper, here are some resources to explore:

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